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Associate Professors
Jan 14, 2024 Yang Hao Clicks:



Yang Hao, associate professor at Jiangnan University, holds a PhD in Education from the University of East Anglia in the UK. His main research interests include the integration of information technology in curriculum, applied linguistics, second language acquisition, and pedagogy. He is a member of the Translation Association of Jiangsu Province and a test question writer for the Wuxi Young Teaching Talents Basic Skills Competition (Junior High School English Group). He has published several academic papers in domestic and international journals and international academic conferences. He has also led a project funded by the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Program and participated in projects funded by the National Social Science Foundation . He has served as the English proofreader for the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" "Introduction to Biotechnology (Essentials of Biotechnology) (Bilingual Textbook)".



Since May 2014: Associate Professor at the School of Foreign Studies, Jiangnan University, serving as Deputy Director of the English Department

February 2012- April 2014: Lecturer at the School of Foreign Languages, Jiangnan University



October 2005- February 2012: PhD in Education, University of East Anglia, UK

September 2004- September 2005: MA in Education, University of East Anglia, UK

September 2000- June 2004: BA in English, School of Foreign Studies, Jiangnan University


Research projects

2015-2020 the Ministry of Education's Philosophy and Social Science Prosperity Program for Higher Education, titled "Empirical Research on Flipped Classrooms from the Perspective of Connectivism and Dialogue - Taking Cross Cultural Communication Courses in Universities as an Example";



2023 Yang, H et al A Practical Coursebook on Academic Translation (Light Industry) Beijing, China: China Light Industry Press


2020 Yang, H. A Reflection on a Trio of Dimensions in Flipped Classroom in Higher Education - a Literature based study Learning&Education


2019 Yang, H. Challenges to Overcome and Scaffolding to Build on Flipping a Humanities Course in a Chinese University International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching


2015 Yang Hao Flipping Cross Cultural Communication Curriculum Using Dialogue Teaching Method - Flipping of Teaching Paradigm Modern Educational Technology


2012 Yang Hao Using Information and Communication Technology to Change Primary and Secondary Education - An Empirical Observation Based on Education Reform in the UK Modern Educational Technology


2012 Yang H. ICT in English Schools: Transforming Education Technology, Pedaggy and Education
